Intune: Microsoft Store app (new) and built-in apps - Not super obvious!

Back in the day when Windows 10 OS was launched, it came with a lot of built-in apps that most enterprise customers didn't want to offer to their end users. This obviously created an additional task for the administrators to find a way to remove such apps during the build process. The method of choice was using a PowerShell script to remove the apps which you could simply put in a imaging process and work away. When the management of the devices moved to the modern solutions like Intune, so did this removal process. Nothing much changed in this aspect, other than how they were setup in the Intune admin portal. I personally used this method for a long time, even when the OS moved to Windows 11, but then eventually dropped the method in favor of using the Microsoft Store app type, built into Intune. I would just import the store app, create an uninstall assignment and be done with it. It was simple and elegant. Then Microsoft replaced it with the new store experience and segregated the two store app types between Microsoft Store app (Legacy) and Microsoft Store app (New) with the intention of improving the overall admin experience for managing the apps. The only problem then and still to date, is that, not all apps are visible in the new store. However, one can still add some of the apps for management (mostly uninstallation), but the method isn't not super obvious. Therefore, I decided to write a quick blog on it.

I am using Mail and Calendar as an example here. As of writing this blog, if you search for it in new store, it doesn't show up.

This is true for some other apps as well. However, in some cases, you can just use the app id to search and if you are in luck, they may show up. Not so obvious now, is it? :-)

How can you find the app id? Well, the simplest way is to look it up in the store and grab it from there.

Assign it normally for uninstallation and that's it. The app should uninstall and report the same in Intune.

Until next time..


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