Issues involving rsErrorImpersonatingUser and Transactional Log for ReportServer DB against SSRS in ConfigMgr

I recently encountered an issue in a customer's envrionment where SQL Server Reporting service in ConfigMgr had broken down. On launching the Report Manager url and then running a report resulted in the following error.
Similar errors were noticed when trying to run the reports from the ConfigMgr console. The error indicated that the issue is with the report service account credentials so that is where I started looking. It appears that the customer had updated the password of the report service account in AD, but the same was not updated in ConfigMgr. So the first thing I tried was to update the password and test the connection. 

Well that was pretty easy. Atleast so I thought. The moment I clicked on Apply to commit the changes, I was presented with another error indicating an issue with the report server database. On checking further, I noticed entries in the SQL dump logs related to Transaction log being full due to SQL backup.

library!ReportServer_0-1!5338!01/04/2022-23:16:38:: e ERROR: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ReportServerStorageException: An error occurred within the report server database.  This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The transaction log for database 'ReportServer' is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP'.

By default the ReportServer database Recovery model is set to FULL in SQL. Which means that all activity in the ReportServer database gets logged to the transaction file resulting in large backed up Transaction log file. I changed the Recovery model to Simple and then shrink the Transaction log file to release the unused space.

Recovery model can be changed in the Properties of ReportServer DB.

Once done, right click the ReportServer database > Tasks > Shrink > Files as shown below.

Then select the values for the highlighted fields as shown below.

Since I already shrank the DB, there wasn't much to release, therefore the available free space is showing as 35% in the screenshot above.

After shrinking the Transation log file, I went back to Report Manager url and was able to update the service account credentials in the properties of the Data source in question without anymore issues. The reports started working in both URL and ConfigMgr console again.

Until next time..


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