Enable SCCM PXE Without WDS on a Windows 10 computer, but what about SMP?

Starting SCCM 1806 comes the exciting new feature that will redefine the design and planning of SCCM sites. Or does it? Well the answer is, not entirely.

With PXE responder, one can use a client OS (Windows 7,8,10) to respond to PXE request without the need to setup a WDS.

Prior to CB 1806, if you had a remote distribution point and wanted to image using PXE, you’d have to use a server OS because of the pre-requisite of the installation of Windows Deployment Service (WDS).

But now, since the introduction of PXE responder, the setup is simplified and certainly saves a lot of cost by eliminating the need to setup up a server OS, possibly with its own hardware that was being used as a distribution point.
However, this new feature does come with some limitations –

First, it doesn’t support Multicast, so if you need multicast, you need to stick with Windows Deployment Service (WDS).

Second, client OS, especially Windows 10, still doesn’t support SMP. Which means you cannot use a distribution point running on Windows 10 for USMT as SMP will not configure.

However, if USMT is not a requirement for you, then see the process below on how to setup a PXE responder without WDS.

Distribution Point Configuration (PXE Responder)

You can use the Enable a PXE responder without Windows Deployment Service option on a server OS that is already PXE-enabled or select it while creating a new DP.

SCCM will suspend the Windows Deployment (WDS) Service and enable the new ConfigMgr PXE Responder Service on an existing DP or configure a new one without ever installing WDS in the first place. However, you always have the option to disable PXE responder and replace it with legacy solution of using Windows Deployment Service (WDS).

This is how it goes -

In the SCCM Console

·       Go to Administration \ Site Configuration \ Servers and Site System Roles
·       Select your Distribution Point and right-click Distribution Point in the roles, select Properties in case of an existing role OR while creating a new role enable as covered in the next step.
·       In the PXE tab, select Enable a PXE responder without Windows Deployment Service.

·       Select Yes

·       Click Apply and Ok to commit.

The new ConfigMgr PXE Responder Service is created. In an existing DP, WDS service will disable and the new ConfigMgr PXE Responder service will start.

Refer to the SMSPXE.log on your DP. It will be located under InstallationDrive\SMS_DP$\SMS\logs

SCCM PXE as a service is configured and starts responding to PXE requests.


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