
Showing posts from March, 2019

Enable SCCM PXE Without WDS on a Windows 10 computer, but what about SMP?

Starting SCCM 1806 comes the exciting new feature that will redefine the design and planning of SCCM sites. Or does it? Well the answer is, not entirely. With PXE responder, one can use a client OS (Windows 7,8,10) to respond to PXE request without the need to setup a WDS. Prior to CB 1806, if you had a remote distribution point and wanted to image using PXE, you’d have to use a server OS because of the pre-requisite of the installation of Windows Deployment Service (WDS). But now, since the introduction of PXE responder, the setup is simplified and certainly saves a lot of cost by eliminating the need to setup up a server OS, possibly with its own hardware that was being used as a distribution point. However, this new feature does come with some limitations – First, it doesn’t support Multicast, so if you need multicast, you need to stick with Windows Deployment Service (WDS). Second, client OS, especially Windows 10, still doesn’t support SMP. Which means y...

Redirect Windows known folders to OneDrive

When moving from Windows 7 to Windows 10, a lot must be taken into consideration. One of the main tasks is getting user data migrated seamlessly without having the need to invest in additional infrastructure. Until now, USMT in SCCM has been the favorite method of migrating user's data but it does require a considerable amount of setup and configuration if not already adopted. Starting CB 1902, Configuration Manager can be leveraged to move Windows known folders to OneDrive for Business. These folders include Desktop, Documents, and Pictures. This is especially helpful if an organization already has a policy of directing users to use these folders to manage their data. Even if there isn't one, organizations can adopt a policy to redirect users to start using these folders to future proof their data. There are two primary advantages of moving or redirecting Windows known folders (Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Screenshots, and Camera Roll) to OneDrive for Busine...